
სამუშაო ჯგუფი: სახელმწიფო ქონების გასხვისება

პროექტის მიზანია შეისწავლოს 2012 წლიდან დღემდე სახელმწიფოს მიერ უძრავი ქონების პრივატიზების შემთხვევები, გამოკვეთოს ძირითადი ტენდენციები და რიგ შემთხვევებში კითხვის ნიშნები დასვას კორუფციული გარიგებების შესახებაც. პროექტის მენტორი - ნინო ბაქრაძე

სამუშაო ჯგუფი: საქართველოს ოკუპირებული ტერიტორიების მონიტორინგი სატელიტური გამოსახულებების მეშვეობით

პროექტის ფარგლებში სტუდენტებმა სატელიტური მონაცემების მეშვეობით გააანალიზეს რუსული ოკუპაციის ფიზიკური შედეგები. ამ პროცესში მათ გამოიკვლიეს, რომ 2014 წელს დევნილთა სამინისტროში გაჩენილმა ხანძარმა, სავარაუდოდ, სწორედ ის ოთახი დააზიანა, სადაც პროგრამის "ჩემი სახლი" არქივი ინახებოდა, საკუთრების დასარეგისტრირებლად საჭირო დოკუმენტებით. სამუშაო ჯგუფის მენტორი - ლაშა კვესელაძე

Investigating Black Sea Pollution with the focus on Russia’s war in Ukraine

Organized by the Investigative Media Lab, investigative journalists from six Black Sea countries worked together to investigate the level of pollution in the Black Sea, with a focus on Russia’s war in Ukraine, and to assess whether state responses to the existing threat are adequate. The final material was published in six countries in six different languages.

Empowering Environmental Investigative Journalism in South Caucasus region

Organized by the Investigative Media Lab, a total of nine emerging investigative journalists from Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia were trained in journalistic investigation techniques focused on environmental issues. After completing intensive training, the journalists worked in groups to investigate water resource-related problems in their respective countries. The investigations were published in three countries in three different languages.

Enhancing and Empowering Women In Investigative Journalism Education in Georgia

The mentors at the Investigative Media Lab, along with lecturers and prospective lecturers from the University of Georgia, participated in intensive training sessions focused on enhancing their instructional methods in investigative journalism. Over the course of several months, a team of seven international experts collaborated closely with this group, resulting in significant advancements, including the training of approximately ten lecturers, the development of updated syllabi, and the introduction of an innovative new course. Additionally, Georgia’s first comprehensive investigative journalism case study manual was produced, featuring seven meticulously curated investigative case studies.

Physical, Digital, and Psychosocial Safety of Georgian Journalists

Under the IREX SAFETY grant, the organization trained three trainers from the Investigative Media Lab in physical, digital, and psychosocial safety. Following the ToT cycle, the Investigative Media Lab organized three intensive training rounds tailored for television, online, and investigative journalists. As a result, a total of 30 journalists received specialized safety training.

Training Journalists in Pre-, During, and Post-Elections Coverage

Two weeks before Georgia's Parliamentary elections, the Investigative Media Lab organized a specialized training program for 12 television and online journalists on covering pre-election, Election Day, and post-election events. The week-long hybrid training cycle featured both local and international experts, providing comprehensive guidance on all key aspects necessary for journalists to ensure thorough and accurate election coverage.

Georgian Election Observatory #GEObservatory

The Georgian Elections Observatory (GEO) was a short-term initiative focused on fact-checking pre-election narratives leading up to the crucial parliamentary elections on October 26. What set this project apart from traditional fact-checking platforms is that it didn’t just address specific claims but examined entire narratives, offering political analysis alongside fact-checking and media analysis. This project is powered by the Fojo Swedish Media Institute in partnership with Investigative Media Lab (IML) and the UG Security, Politicy, & Nationalism Research Center (UGSPN). 

Investigative Media Lab